Thursday, June 01, 2006

At Last

Yesterday, just before we tipped from May to June, I got the kitchen potagers planted.

In the first bed there is Japanese eggplant (which I should have started indoors and didn't so it's going to be a total crap shoot whether anything happens there), garlic and French beans. Mesclun is planted in the garden pot. I've found that to be a very easy way to do the "cut and come" again business. Mostly because it keeps me from growing too much. If I remember to add fresh seed every couple of weeks we should have fresh lettuce well into October.

I'll put tomatoes in behind the garlic; I'm thinking I'll get to Fremont Gardens for my plants on Friday.

The second potager has radishes in the pot (an experiment), mult-colored beets in the front center, 3 hills of a round variety of zucchini that is really yummy and cute, with fava beans planted on either side of the bed. I love fresh favas, assuming I can control the black aphids, who also love them.

It was just starting to sprinkle as I was putting in the seeds and then it rained nicely in the evening. So everything is watered in by Mother Nature. Now I just have to move the hose out of the garage and remember to water all my new plant babies. And this is key because last year, for some completely indefinable reason, I didn't water my garden much. The grapes shriveled on the vine, most seeds failed to sprout. We didn't even have mesclun. Mesclun! A toddler can grow mesclun. Proper watering will be key to success this year. I must not slack!
Also, I must keep The Dog from thinking that what I've really done is give him a new playground.


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