Saturday, May 06, 2006

Capricious? That's a Polite Word for What I Am.

It occurs that perhaps I should retitle this blog. I'm tossing around a few ideas. "The Lazy Beyond Belief Gardener"? "The Clearly Doesn't Give a Rat's Behind Gardener"? How about "What? I Have a Garden"?

It is the 6th of May and I haven't planted anything in the kitchen garden. I haven't even turned the kitchen garden. And we have had glorious weather this week. It is clouding over today and may even rain tomorrow. Can you imagine? What if I had busted a move and planted my lettuce and zucchini and whatever else is hiding in seed packets? (I bought them in freaking's not like I wasn't thinking about this at one point). What if I had remembered to water them each of these last warm days, then getting a reprieve from Mother Nature herself? And what if the sun and warmth returns next week? Bet there'd be little sprout babies everywhere. Real sprouts. Not vetch and crabgrass and whatever other weedy things currently holding court out there but all sorts of little veggie babies with the promise of summertime feasts hiding in their little green cells.

Thanks to global warming we have a fairly long growing season anymore. I can plant next week and no one will be any the wiser. But seriously, I have got to get a gardening schedule figured out.


Blogger Grish said...

I'm not even going to plant Veggies this year I have to much carpentry work to do.

5:25 PM  

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