Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Season Begins

We have had one of the rainiest winters on record but this week has dawned nearly spring-like. There are three crocuses in the front garden and yesterday was warm enough that I could actually stomach the idea of pulling some weeds. The mud factor was huge and I wasn't really dressed for it so I stopped but there is a 4x1 foot strip in one potager that looks pretty terrific right now.

I like writing about my garden more than I like actually gardening. This time of year is all about the inspiration. The seed catalogs start showing up. The NW Flower and Garden Show happens. I'll fold down corners, make notes, snap photos and maybe even sketch, very badly, some ideas. The inspiration begats passion, a passion that might even last through March. Because dreaming is fun! So is planning and talking and planting. Mainenance, not so much.

One of my intentions for the new year was to be a better gardener this year than last. This will not be difficult. The bar is very low. And I thought that maybe, just maybe, blogging about it will make me more accountable. Let's see, shall we?


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